You’re out for a walk… the cute new puppy you got for your birthday eagerly leading the way. Next thing you know, you see a small flame leap from a trashcan a few yards ahead of you. You look around panicked. What to do? You collect yourself and dial for emergency services. Just as you’re explaining yourself to the dispatcher, a firetruck rolls up and handles the tiny blaze. Puzzled (but glad), you hang up.
Turns out, your city is going sustainable with the help of 5G connected trashcans that are capable of calling the fire department on themselves. The cities of the future? No… the cities of now, because we’re building them. Just ask residents in Colorado Springs. A few years ago, the city implemented data-driven solutions to improve sustainability through integrated systems for public services.
This means sustainable goals are being driven toward through the efficient planning, management, and upkeep of public transportation, energy, and waste management. Residents have seen improvements in things like lighting maintenance and parking, and continual improvements to the system are being phased in, like e-scooters and climate-disaster preparation tools.
Sustainable cities won’t just be about high-tech solutions, they’ll be about changes that will empower residents to take action. In New York City, laws are being passed to help the process along, including one passed within the last few months directing the city’s department of sanitation to roll out a mandatory organics collection program for residents.
It’s among several other measures overhauling the city’s waste collection, and part of a package dubbed the Zero Waste Act. So, come October of next year, all New York City residents will need to do their part by participating in residential organics collection. Such moves are being hailed as “critical” steps forward, as sometimes it takes a little nudge to help folks feel comfortable with change, even needed change.
To help out, Toyota has launched the Global City Challenge, a 3-year, $9 million competition aimed at figuring out more resilient transport systems for city carbon reduction and improved access for residents. Statistics tell us that, by 2050, two out of every three people will live in a city. That figure is only about one in two now… with cities responsible for about 70% of emissions, sustainable cities are a must.
Entrants are expected to bring dazzling new ideas to the table for sustainable living in cities… things like less cars and more public transport that’s actually safe, affordable, and accessible. How to connect the ecosystem for mobile resilience and reliability. And, how to reduce the overall environmental impact of city life through the use of renewables and low-carbon options.
Toyota isn’t the only whopper name you’ll recognize working on projects like these. At least… you’ll recognize the last name attached to the next item: The Bezos Earth Fund. Created by founder of the Goliath that is Amazon, the Bezos Earth Fund is a $10 billion philanthropic venture established to help NGOs, activists, and scientists protect the natural world. The funds many initiatives are helping to drive the sustainable cities cause… like investing in projects specifically addressing the resilience of cities to climate change.
It’s relevant to folks like us because it is one of the largest philanthropic initiatives focused on climate change in existence… investments around the Bezos Earth Fund are fertile ground for business opportunities in the developing of sustainable technologies and solutions. Case and point: the fund has committed $400 million to urban green space.
We think that the last few years have helped folks ease into a more pliable place when it comes to accepting green cities… especially we stubborn American folk who aren’t always sure about change. Now, we’re living through extreme heat and flooding in our cities, and finding out the true cost of not changing. Maybe now is a good time to just jump, and to embrace all that sustainable cities have to offer.
Since owners and us regular citizens are now ready for what comes next, we’ll watch as governments and the private sectors figure out how to revitalize business districts through mixed-use neighborhoods, retrofitting, repurposing, and repositioning. As some mayors have noted, people want a social life now more than ever… so let’s make green, livable cities to facilitate that. Come back next week, we’ll have more from the green tech space.