Discover The “Micro-Market” Strategy That Spots Winning Trades Other Wall Street Investors Miss… This proprietary system relies on an “X” signal that delivered a string of results in 2021 like +43.50% in April, +96.97% in May, +47.15% in July, +31.88% in August, +40.48% in October, +36.59% in November… and I can’t wait to share it with you!
Fellow Investor, Over the past two years, I’ve taught a handful of readers an “X” signal strategy using options that has DELIVERED a consistent string of winning trades It doesn’t matter whether the market is bullish… bearish… or which day of the week it is. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to grow your nest egg… or just make extra money on the side… or even if you’re playing catch-up. It doesn’t matter whether the market is bullish… bearish… or which day of the week it is. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking to grow your nest egg… or just make extra money on the side… or even if you’re playing catch-up. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you’ve never traded a stock before. Whether you’re retired, about to retire… or just starting to save up… As long as you follow my proprietary “X” signal system, you’ll profit regardless of how volatile the market is. Simple, right? It should be. Let me give you an example of what this looks like… Look closely at this chart. This happened on June 17, 2021, on the QQQ “Micro-Market.” See that first “X”? That’s when our “buy” signal was triggered. Next, it hits that second “X” and BAM … we sold with a quick 55.85% profit. Not bad for ONE day’s worth of “work.” Watch closely again. On June 24, 2021, we banked on the underlying security going down. As soon as that begins to change direction, our “buy” signal is triggered and we quickly sold minutes later for a 14.79% profit! One more time on the same “Micro-Market”… On July 7, 2021, we banked on the trade trending lower, so we watched for the “X” signal to appear. We entered and exited this trade in less than a day and made a tidy 28.89% profit! Then, we proceeded to repeat this trade SEVEN more times on this QQQ “Micro-Market”… entering and exiting each trade within the same day! Here’s another “Micro-Market.” The “X” signal flashed on October 11, 2021, for the XLF “Micro-Market.” Prices dropped and our “X” signal buy alert was triggered… a few hours later, our “sell” signal flashed and we quickly sold for a 40.48% profit. One last example of the “X” signal killing it… It’s the SPDR “Micro-Market” again. We got the “X” signal on November 16, 2021. Had you bought into this trade, you would’ve made 36.59% profit in just ONE day! I think you get the idea. This strategy is devilishly easy to execute. There’s no need for prior experience in options, or even stock trading. You don’t need to read boring income statements and balance sheets… You don’t need to figure out complicated charts… You don’t need to stare at a computer screen all day… With this “X” signal system, I’ll email you ASAP every time the “X” signal shows up. You”ll get an email with my “buy” alert when it’s time to jump into a trade… and you’ll get another email with my “sell” alert when it’s time to sell. It couldn’t be easier. Now, what if I told you this happens 2 to 3 times a week… like clockwork… are you ready to learn more about this proprietary system that gives us precise “buy” and “sell” indicators on every trade we execute? How One Micro-Market Made Me The “X” signal showed up on the QQQ “Micro-Market” 9 times… this year alone. See for yourself…
That’s 9 trading opportunities for the same Micro-Market. If you followed this trade pattern and invested $10,000 each time, you would have made $22,425 in spare cash. That’s a pretty handsome profit for less than 5 days of trading. And the best part is… you don’t have to wait years before you see returns on your investment. With just one “Micro-Market” and our “X” signals, you can make money right now. But I’m really only scratching the surface here. In a moment, I’m going to tell you what “Micro-Markets” are, what this “X” signal is… how to spot it… and what “Micro-Markets” are and how to find them to make these kinds of gains. Just wait until you learn about the 5 other “Micro-Markets” in my portfolio; you’ll really be on your way to amassing a nice fortune by next year. Coming From Me… None Of This Should Surprise You At All
Not EVERY trade is a winner, of course. And we cut losses fast. But our goal remains consistent… to deliver a steady stream of winners to our investors each month as you can see above. But imagine making double-digit gains in two days, 25 times this year. That’s pretty hard to beat. You could have made the same amount with the S&P 500 index fund… But it would have taken you 12 years. With this “X” signal strategy, you would achieve the same result with 2-day trades! In many cases, we close trades even sooner. Take a look:The “buy” signal triggered on 9/20/21 and the “sell” signal appeared on 9/21/21, giving investors a quick 38.46% profit in just 24 hours! We did it again on 10/11/21… except this time the “buy” and “sell” signal triggered on the same day handing investors 40.48% profits! 40.48% profit in the same day! I wish I had this when I first started my investing career out of college. Don’t you? Now I want to make this abundantly clear… Buying these trades the usual way won’t earn you a windfall in a heartbeat. What I mean is, it has had a nice steady annual gain over the past decade, but it’s nothing impressive there. So, how can you make up to 40.48% in profit in less than two days with a stock that only grows a fraction of that in a year? Let me show you… Let’s look at the S&P 500 as our simple example again. In 2020, the S&P 500 did 18.40%… not bad considering that the U.S. market was surviving a global pandemic. Not too shabby. But using the “X” signal strategy, without leverage, tricks, or gimmicks, just look at the chart below for the returns you could have gotten: All because we knew when to buy and when to sell. This is where the “X” signal strategy really shines. Not only does it pick up hour-by-hour moments when prices jump off the chart, it takes decent stocks that produce average returns, and supercharges them into generating truly extraordinary returns. For instance, if you bought the “QQQ” on the stock market on any particular day like you saw earlier, you would have made … at best … a profit of 2%. But using the “X” signals, we made 55.85% from trading the call option on the QQQ. That’s 27X more profit collected from trading the same “QQQ” ticker. This is only one example of making multiple returns over the same stock, again and again. Each time with a double-digit return. It sounds easy, but there’s a great deal of analysis that happens behind the scenes with my proprietary 2-Day Trader system. So, it’s no surprise that very few analysts on Wall Street have cracked this system. How to Take Profits Out of the Market in 2 Days Without Agonizing Over Research or Staring at Computer Screens All Day You simply let me do the hard work. The “X” signals work beautifully on every options Micro-Market and you can repeat this strategy on the same stocks week after week. That means… you don’t need to search for new Micro-Markets once you made your first pot of gold. Just watch the “X” signals for the next trade! There are literally dozens of investment opportunities like the ones above that, like clockwork, generate returns at specific times of the week. Like these…
That’s why this is the best way to make repeated gains in a year. Or should I say, there are at least 52 ways to make gains in a year. In short, the “X” signals can increase your returns by as much as 20.66% to 47.15% in less than two days! This is easily the most popular service I publish when it comes to gains and speed. Now you know why we call it the Two-Day Trader system. Imagine How This Two-Day Trader System Can Imagine knowing the exact day and hour to trade in the stock market. Imagine being able to take profits all the way up and knowing when to steer clear when prices go down. Now, imagine doing that three times a week like it’s just another day. Get busy only when we tell you to trade, and then stay out of the market. No sweat. Meantime, enjoy your life! Help yourself to a second serving of dessert… watch a little television… do whatever you want with your free time. It’s a stress-free way of making money. Do this and you’ll have the money to do the things you’ve always wanted to do… Take that trip you always meant to… Treat yourself to fine dining at a 3-Star Michelin restaurant… Leave work anytime you want. Unless you have been introduced to a simpler and faster way of investing, you probably didn”t think you can use the Two-Day Trader system to make profits so quickly, especially if this is your first time investing in options. Others already have. Here are some of the emails they wrote me. Real Results From Two-Day Traders Clients
The reason I’m revealing all this to you is because… we are sitting on 5 hot Micro-Markets that are about to blow up and I can’t wait to share it with you. Anyone can successful make profitable trades with Two-Day Trader, so long as you can… 1. Follow instructions. 2. Act quickly. In fact, the “X” signal on one of my hot Micro-Markets just appeared, and I have 4 more about to skyrocket soon. For obvious reasons, only Two-Day Trader subscribers get these alerts. It’s not available anywhere else. If you want in on the Two-Day Trader system, you have to act now. Application Criteria to Qualify In my 35 years of experience in Wall Street, there has never been a faster way to grow your wealth many times over. Ever since we started offering the Two-Day Trader options system to our readers two years ago, it has made our loyal subscribers a lot of money. Lives were changed. But I need to warn you about something… After a few wins, it becomes tempting to let it get to your head… ignore the proven system… and start thinking about moving into riskier financial products. So… I must say that the Two-Day Trader system is not for everyone. But it can be yours if you fulfill these 3 simple criteria. 1. You have to keep the “X” signal alerts a secret. Use it to trade, but tell no one.These time-sensitive trades are for my Two-Day Trader members ONLY. Readers with “skin in the game” who paid top money to get these “X” signal alerts have sworn to keep it in the family and have gone on to make repeated profits. 2. You must follow instructions exactly. Remember, when the “X” signal appears, you must buy before the Micro-Market rallies and prices increase. Then, when the “X” signal appears again, you sell and skip the downward price movement. Easy peasy. 3. Trust the Two-Day Trader system. Prices can move up and down in between trades, that’s expected. The gains we’ve highlighted today reflect when we bought and when we sold. Some of those trades were in negative territory on the first day, but rocket back on day two when we locked in our profits. You’ll find that if you follow the Two-Day Trader system as we instruct every member to, your returns will match ours. Promise to do these 3 things and you too will be able to profit from “working” only two days a week. One Last Thing Before We Can Get Started… As with anything in life, there are no guarantees, but Two-Day Trader is easily the best service in its class. I continuously try to find holes in this system… but honestly… I haven’t found any. Still, a little prudence never hurt anyone. You should only be trading with money that you can afford to lose. What I’ve found over the years is that when an investment service comes with a money back guarantee, people tend to forget that money is at stake. Suddenly, common sense is thrown out the window. Therefore, I want to make it abundantly clear that there will be no refunds with this subscription. If this sounds scary to you, I understand. I have taken some leaps in life to become successful, so it’s okay to feel nervous if you are starting out for the first time. After all, the financial world has no shortage of peddlers… pundits… and fly-by-night gurus. It’s healthy to look before you leap. Having said that… I stand by my professional track record. The same track record that I used to launch the first Environmental, Social, and Governance (or ESG) hedge fund in America. I got the state of New Mexico, the University of Connecticut, Rothschild & Co. and a roster of other institutional investors to invest in me. They trusted me with billions of dollars because they trusted my track record. I don’t take that kind of responsibility lightly. Ask yourself… how many “financial experts” do you know who have actually gotten any deals done? Is there someone else like me who listed BHP and National West Bank on the New York Stock Exchange… facilitated GTE’s purchase of a Venezuelan phone company and the building of toll roads in Latin America… and even co-founded AOL Latin America itself. You’d be hard pressed to name even one investment advisor who can live up to my resume.I am not trying to brag here. But when it comes to your financial future, you deserve nothing less than the very best. We’re doing this together, so you should know that you’re investing with a trusted advisor who knows her stuff and has a reputation to protect. So, let’s get started, shall we? I’m Going to Make This the Easiest Decision You’ll Ever Make My Two-Day Trader subscribers pay $3,995 a year to get exclusive and profitable trades delivered to them 2 to 3 times every week.You get the same intel that I use to manage a $5 billion hedge fund. With the Two-Day Trader system, you can do this for yourself without having to pay the hefty management fees typical of Wall Street. Instead, this annual subscription requires an investment of only $3,995. Put it this way… with the Two-Day Trader options service, the “X” signal is going to mark the buying time at least once a week. If you invest $10,000 on a +43.17% trade, you’d end up with $4,317 in spare change. That one trade alone would have covered your investment for the entire year. Paul S. from Cambridge, MA made 40-100% returns with this service. If you’d have done the same, you could have turned $10,000 into $14,000… or even… $100,000 … which is over 25 times the annual subscription to join. One gentleman from Chesapeake, Maryland even bought his dream boat and named it after me. I won’t lie, that made me laugh. All this just to say, this service can easily pay for itself if you follow the “X” signals to a tee. There’s no time to waste. As we speak, the “X” indicator has three exciting trades that I expect to rise 15% to 45% in the next week. You don’t want to miss out on this week’s trades! For a Short Time Only … You know by now that Two-Day Trader retails for $3,995. This is a reasonable investment to pay to get a piece of the action … and a piece of the pie … from the market. Because you are doing these trades yourself with our proprietary “X” signals, you must follow the system to a tee. And if you do, you can rest assured that you could make back your subscription price in no time, and then keep everything else for yourself. But you must hurry. As I mentioned, the “X” signal has already identified three trades. You must act now if you are going to ride this one all the way up. What’s more… you still have the remaining 4 Micro-Markets which are ready to explode if you make it in time. Just like my proprietary signals, I can only tell you when to buy, but you have to be the one pushing the button. If you act now, you will have everything it takes to carry out the trade perfectly when you get the signal telling you “GO!” You won’t pay $3,995 today… You won’t pay $2,996 either (25% off)… Not even $1,997 (half-off)… I’ve arranged a very special limited offer for you. I want you to experience how Two-Day Trader will change the way you invest… help you take money out of the market quickly… give you the advantages that only a hedge fund could possess… and ensure you secure the retirement life that you deserve… I’ve decided to let you try Two-Day Trader for a full year at $1,495. That’s basically $124.60 a month.About the price of a Starbucks latte a day. I know these are trying times right now. If you are willing to skip the latte a day, this is something you can easily afford. Charging $124.60 a month won’t make a dent in my finances. But it does weed out all the tire-kickers who are not serious about using the power of Two-Day Trader to change their financial future. You will be charged only $1,495 today when you subscribe to Two-Day Trader.This is a 62% discount from our $3,995 retail subscription rate.But you have to act fast. This is limited-time offer won’t last long. Already, my subscribers have made back their membership fee manyfold in the time you took to read this message. At $124.60 a month, this is a no-brainer. What”s more … if you act on this plan, I will LOCK IN your discounted subscription fee… for life. In other words — I will never raise your fee. It will always be at $1,495 a year.If you”re not ready to commit to a full year of Two-Day Trader, I’ve made it possible for you to try it for 13 weeks for just $495 Let me give you a summary of everything that you will receive…
Truthfully, the best part about the Two-Day Trader system is that they will continue to generate returns year after year. The “X” signals have been proven to work for these Micro-Markets for two years straight. It’s like an oil well that never goes dry. The amount of money you could make with this premium service alone will be staggering. Go ahead and sign up now before this limited-time offer disappears. My team will onboard you right away so you can begin banking profits almost immediately. Remember, we have three hot trades that are about to rally! I promise this will be the most exciting … and profitable … time of your life. Again, click here to join or call (877) 440-8224 to get started with Two-Day Trader at this special price. There’s not much time before the first trade goes up, and we want all three trades in your portfolio before they swing upwards. Sincerely, Hilary Kramer P.S. Remember, the “X” signal has appeared. The window of opportunity will only last so long before the entry price is exceeded. You must get on board right away. P.P.S. Also, you should note that this limited-time offer won’t last long. Once all slots are taken up, this special price will expire, with no exceptions. I can’t afford to discount this premium service for everyone lest it becomes public knowledge. I’m sure you”ll agree. P.P.P.S. If you are still on the fence, look at what Paul S. from Cambridge, Massachusetts had to say about the Two-Day Trader. “More than just trading I’ve learned how markets function, how to better understand the day’s news and to manage my risk better. On her recommendations I looked into the EV sector and made trades with 40-100% profit. I purchased Neo at $4.50 and sold over $45, LI at $20 and sold at $30, and FSR at $11 and sold at $20.37, just to name a few.” This Proprietary “X” Signal Predicted Trades That Made 31.88%… 47.15%… 55.85%… and 96.97% in 2021… …can now be yours if you act TODAY! Join our Two-Day Trader subscription, and I promise, you will be making huge gains in no time.You have seen how reliable these winning trades are. You know what to buy, when to buy and when to sell. No other investment service I know can give reliable returns this fast.When our proprietary “X” signal appears, you’ll receive an alert, wherever you are. Just log in to your trading account, buy the ticker, and leave it alone.When your trade has finished collecting all the gains, you’ll receive another alert to sell and claim a handsome profit. All in a good day’s trade. All the hard work has already been done for you…
Here’s a look at the top 25 trades that my subscribers made in 2021:
On average, we’ll be in and out of most trades in 2 days or less. Sometimes, we’ll hold onto a trade longer if it continues to deliver a nice uptick in profits. Imagine if you had put in $10,000 for each of these trades and collected only the gains, you could have made $74,664 in profit! And don’t worry. We don’t use any overly complicated options trading strategies here. The focus is on simple puts and calls that can significantly boost our profits in both up and down markets. Our readers have profited BIG with Two-Day Trader. Paul S. from Cambridge, Massachusetts said: “I looked into the EV sector and made trades with 40-100% profit. I purchased Neo at $4.50 and sold over $45, LI at $20 and sold at $30, and FSR at $11 and sold at $20.37, just to name a few.” Julie W. from California wrote: “I spent $25,000 on the trade and made about $30,000 and with that money I was able to afford a very nice trip to Japan.” Also, Patricia R. from Key West shared: “As a teacher I use my money to help out my students on a regular basis. Sometimes the kids need some clothes or need lunch or supplies for their classes. So, $25,000 gave me a $30,000 present for my kids.” Taylor B. from San Diego exclaimed: “I subscribed to Hilary’s stock picks at the beginning of the pandemic when I wanted to get more into trading. Hilary’s picks always pointed me in the right direction, and I made anywhere from 10-30% off of her recommendations!” You too can have their success. With the Two-Day Trader options system, you only have to listen to the signal alert, make the trade, and be done for the day. There’s no time to waste. The “X” signal has already appeared for our long-awaited Micro-Market to shoot up. If you want in on this trade, as well as two others destined to rise, then you must sign up for this premium service right away. Here’s Everything You Get In Two-Day 24/7 Access to the Two-Day Trader Website: You will receive a login and password to our encrypted member’s-only Two-Day Trader Alert website. This website contains every single trade alert, videos and a guide that my team and I have put together for you. Everything is in one place, one tap away. A Dedicated Customer Service Team: We have a team of well-trained and educated customer service representatives who can help you with any questions you might have about your membership. You’ll receive your client care hotline after you join. These are real people who care about your results. Proprietary Two-Day Trader “X” Signals Flash Alert: Find out ahead of time — when to buy and when to sell — with our proprietary signals responsible for over 573.24% of gains this year alone. The signals will find you by email or text message, so you don’t even have to think about it. Two-Day Trader Portfolio: In two clicks, you will know what trades are open, how much we bought them for and what our total gain is as of that day. For Your Eyes Only: You should know by now that Two-Day Trader retails for $3,995. This is a reasonable investment to pay to get a piece of the action … and a piece of the pie … from the market. Because you are doing these trades yourself, with our proprietary “X” signals, you must stick to the system to a tee. And if you do, you can rest assured that you can make back your subscription price in no time, and then keep everything else for yourself. But you must hurry. As I mentioned, the “X” signal has already identified three trades. You must act now if you are going to ride this one all the way up. What’s more… you still have the remaining 4 Micro-Markets which are ready to explode if you make it on time. Just like my proprietary signals, I can only tell you when to buy. You have to be the one pushing the button.If you act now, you will have everything it takes to carry out the trade perfectly when you get the signal telling you “GO!” But you won’t pay $3,995 or even $2,996 today… I know Two-Day Trader will change the way you invest… help you take money out of the market quickly… give you the advantages that only a hedge fund could possess… and ensure you secure the retirement life that you deserve… I’ve decided to let you try Two-Day Trader for a year for only $1,495. If you’re not ready to commit to a full year of Two-Day Trader, I’ve made it possible for you to try it for 13 weeks for just $495. But you must act fast. Simply Fill Out the Form Below |